Our Early Actions


VCDS was involved in organizing and farming co-operatives or unions for the unorganized labour of the salt pan, farm, quarries, drummers, washer men, grass harvesting etc. Unions were formed for equal rights, wages and co-operatives were formed to organize them as the formal labours and bring them into the system. This union insisted on equal wages, safety & security, regular work and proper work shifts.


VCDS was involved in women empowerment through giving them vocational skills, education, financial credits through women`s federation, awareness campaigns on equal rights, freedom of speech and participation. VCDS has formed 600 women`s federation and collected 38, 00,000 rupees in 1986 as the corpuses for the revolving loan for the women members. VCDS has taken forward protest and rallies against government policy on Arak shops/ liquor shops, equal rights for women policy in family assests, violence and atrocities against dalit men and women through law and police.


VCDS took education as a major tool for empowerment and enlightment for the vulnerable people to bring dignity and respect in order to attain equity in the society. We involved in adult education, non-formal education for women, skill & technical education for youths etc. VCDS was a lead Ngo is taking forward the literacy program “Arivoli Eyakkam” of Tamilnadu government. VCDS non-formal schools were converted into formal schools and taken one by the Tamilnadu government. VCDS is still running this education program in all levels.


VCDS was involved in training youths to get involved in social transformation initiative. Trainings were mainly focused on politics, youth’s involvement in politics, caste system and its evolution, Ambedkarism, dalit rights and social movements in social development, etc. VCDS have trained many youth’s leaders who are now very active in local and state politics.


Healthy & safe food is a major aim for the marginalized people. The small piece of land that they own was the only financial support for their family. VCDS trained the small and marginal farmers on organic and traditional farming techniques for maximum yield and good food grain production. This also aims on water conservation and environment protection. VCDS started its campaigning on global warming & climate change in 1990s. VCDS has reformed more than 200 farm and community ponds and more than 500 farm irrigation wells. VCDS also involve in campaigning on rain harvesting through the non-formal school children. VCDS also started its own ethnic seed bank and tree plantation through nursery raising to create social forest in the villages.


VCDS received many national and international students on exchange program where they learn about south Indian rural culture, social setup, life style, women and children`s life. VCDS worked with Folk High Schools in Sweden and Finland, Stockholm’s University-Teachers Education Department, Maisons Familiales Rurales-France, etc. the volunteering program extended from one month to an year. In the last 35 years VCDS has received more than 2000 volunteers and students through this program.


VCDS has involved in various relief and reconstruction activities for the poor and vulnerable people who were affected by the flood, fire, drought and Tsunami. VCDS has built 600 houses for the flood victims of 1996, 40 houses for fire victims and 50 houses for Tsunami affected fishermen. VCDS also involved in rehabilitation of water cannels, farm lands and community water bodies affected by flood and tsunami. VCDS has constructed community halls and toilets for the island fishermen communities who were affected by Tsunami and it was hands over to the Tamilnadu government. We have also organized regular health camps for the rural vulnerable people.